Friday, June 4, 2010

Ignited minds by Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam

Ignited Minds lays down a choreography of dreams. The book is also about the methodology of dreaming. In the epilogue to his book, Kalam puts down an interesting conversation between two unborn babies, Ego and Spirit. While Ego takes the darkness of the mother’s womb as the ultimate reality, Spirit looks beyond its immediate reality and envisages it’s meeting with its mother. Kalam obviously wants his countrymen to be more like Spirit than Ego in their visions, ideas and actions. Here is the extract of the conversation between Ego and the Spirit.

“I was thinking what can summarize the book aptly…I recall reading a story on internet about a conversation between two babies…Ego and Spirit…while in womb.
Spirit says to Ego, ‘I know you are going to find this hard to accept, but I believe there is life after birth.’

Ego responds, ‘Don’t be foolish. Look around you. This is all there is. Why must you always be thinking about something beyond this reality? Accept your lot in life.’

Spirit quietens down for a while, but not for long. ‘Ego, now don’t get angry, but I also believe that there is a Mother.

A Mother! Ego laughs. How can you say that? You’ve never seen a Mother, you don’t know what Mother is.Wht can’t you accept that this is all there is? You are here alone with me. This is your reality.

‘Ego’, Spirit begs, please listen.Wht about those constant pressures we both feel, those movements that make us so uncomfortable sometimes, the feeling that we are being squeezed in as we grow? I think we shall soon have a new life, that we shall see light.’

Spirit tries not to bother Ego again but cannot resist one last try. ‘Ego,’ she says, ‘I will not bother you again. But I do believe that after all this discomfort not only shall we see light but also experience the bliss of meeting Mother.’

Ego’s reply is ofcourse, that Spirit is truly mad.

What I want to tell the people of my country through this book is that they must never be content with that which has been presented to them………………………….

1 comment:

Ankur said...

I haven't read the book but the thoughts presented by Mr Kalam are so great. Thanks for sharing this nice post.