Saturday, November 29, 2008

some of the life lessons i learnt from my parents

1.A lesson in righteous living.
2.My father said..u need to create a bloom in a desert and whenever you are given a new place, u must leave it more beautiful than what you have inherited.
3.In tough times my Mom used to counsel me by saying..mushkile dil ke erade ajmate hein,swapn ke parde akhon sei hatate hei,honsla na chod e musafir,thokre insaan ko chalna sikhati hei.I remember a poem Mummi used to make us learn when we were kids..Kuch bhi ban bas kayar maat baan.Thokar mar patak mat matha.tri rah dekhte pahan.......
4.My Dad is a man whose success is defined by his principles,his frugality,his universalism and his sense of inclusion.He taught me that success is is the ability to rise above the immediacy of pain.It is abt.imagination.It is abt.senstivity to small people.It is abt.connectedness to a larger world.It is back more to life than u take out of it.Success is not abt.building material comforts,the colour television that he could never buy,or the house he never owned.His success is the legacy he leaves..........
5.It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
6.God..Give me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change..courage to change the things i can..and wisdom to know the difference.
7.Life is like a football match.Sometimes you score and some times you get defeated.But one must learn to recover fast and dodge the adversities.And one must have strength to bounce back with renewed enthusiasm.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

pause and ponder

Education is not just a means to securing a good job or a better salary,it is an end in itself.Education empowers you,it gives you choices and those choices give meaning to your life.

Neither roses nor throns---------few men make a history.

If one does not prevent what is unpleasant to himself,who else will do it?